This week sees the launch of Young Enterprise NI’s ‘Young Money’ brand. In partnership with Bank of Ireland, this partnership initiative provides young people and educators with the opportunity to gain the skills, knowledge and confidence in money matters to increase financial wellbeing and help them thrive in society. Key Bank of Ireland representatives will engage directly with both primary and secondary schools throughout Northern Ireland tackling a wide range of financial subjects, including debt, budgeting, insurance and solving money problems.
Speaking about ‘Young Money’, CEO of Young Enterprise NI, Carol Fitzsimons MBE said: “We are delighted to be working with Bank of Ireland on this very exciting initiative in both Primary and Post Primary education. I know as a parent and employer, that personal confidence in money management is a really important skill for young people to develop, and our saving & spending behaviours are developed from a young age.
As an integral part of our programme offering in Young Enterprise, this will support the development of financial confidence in young people. In NI, we witness the socio-economic challenges that living in poverty can have, which we need to work together to address, and financial wellbeing is a key part of this”.
Bank of Ireland’s Ian Sheppard said: “At Bank of Ireland we are passionate about promoting responsible money management and are delighted to be involved in a scheme that will help young people develop these skills from an early age.
“Developed with Young Enterprise NI, the ‘Young Money’ programme is all about helping to build financial confidence for young people. We will help to do this by sharing our knowledge on key financial issues, engaging our staff directly in schools and providing support for a number of financial capability programmes throughout Northern Ireland.
“We hope this will be a highly engaging, rewarding and fun programme and look forward to helping young people in Northern Ireland develop the key financial skills that will serve them throughout the rest of their life.”
For more information or to arrange an interview contact Anita Cooley, 07540929885